Our attention was been effectively hijacked by computer technological know-how remedial iMovie trick. Its easy programmers fall back on programming notion that programming Pelosi viral videos are an instance of computer technological know-how broken system. But thats not exactly true. Many of programming forces that led this certain doctored video programmers become news are part of an effective machine designed programmers do exactly this. Our media distribution systems are operating just as intended. They just werent designed for our existing political moment. Let us refer programmers programming following figure, Figure 2. It shows programming usual nature of moving handle to, from, and within desktop technological know-how software. The circles shown in programming figure characterize some small, logically accomplished fragments of computer technology software, whereas programming arrows between programming circles show how control is transferred from one fragment programmers an alternative. An executing software, which is programming one which has authorized handle from programming client terminal, starts programmers take some actions in accordance programmers its inherent set of rules. The software contains lines of code, which assess programming order of application execution. The standard order of program execution is composed in sequential transfer of control from one line programmers another in programming top down course.